Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thing 14

Well, maybe I've hit the part of 23 things were I'm stretching to figure out how to use these apps in a professional sense; don't get me wrong, I still enjoy the program and discovering apps, it's just getting difficult to weave them in to my profession. As I've stated before (I think) I'm a "para"; different systems would call my position different things, but to sum it up, I mainly do circulation and customer service related functions and the occasional librarian's aide type of thing...anyway, with that said, I'm going to go ahead and discover Magisto. I'm sure I can find a way to integrate that into my personal use (I do have an adorable little girl after all) and maybe I can piggyback off some ideas that are given on the 23 things website and possibly offer ideas to my colleagues that are following my blog and/or this program some ideas.

Vine? Too short and really just silly. 6 seconds goes pretty fast...

Viddy's 30 second limit is a bit more reasonable, but still pretty low. I suppose you could do a quick overview of a program or a really short introductory type video, but I still don't see a lot one could do with 30 seconds.

Socialcam is probably the most feasible app for professional use IF I had a use for it. The other thing I just thought of is if I was making a professional-themed video, I'd have to be careful where and how I share it since our communications department is supposed to be in charge of that...might get in a little trouble. 

Magisto sounds kind of fun. It would probably be more for my own use rather than anything professional, but it does sound appealing. I do like that I can sign in as a guest rather than create yet another account to forget. You have more limited options, but it's a good way to explore the app. I made a very, very silly video using some photos already on the iPad.
It did take an obscenely long amount of time to "make"...I'd share it, but you have to register to do that so, sorry.

Of course, if you want premium content, you pay a premium on Magisto. That's the turnoff. That and it took what seemed like HOURS to "make" my video. Never notified me either, even with notifications allowed.

All in all, if I absolutely had to keep one of these apps, it would be Magisto, it's not as social network-y and it has some fun options and it uses my device's native camera. It would have to be more for my personal use since I have no reason to make a video for work; even if I did, my library system has people for that and I believe it's probably best to defer to them...

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