Bitly I will try though. I have seen countless web addresses in other blogs and as shortened links in various websites so I think I'll discover it a little more in-depth.
Bitly is not really difficult,the toughest part is copying a link out of Safari's browser (which must be darned hard on a phone). Once you've done that, you open the app, select that you'd like to add a bitmark and paste it...viola, here's a link.
It's pretty easy to go bananas and start adding stuff left and right. I limited myself to literally several bit marks and here is how that looks...I imagine it can get a little dicombobulated after time
Luckily you can bundle your links! I bundled mine by work, news and sports as you can see here
You can almost seamlessly use bitly with Facebook and I joined bitly with my Facebook account initially. You can also send links as a message (text?) and email it to someone. I'd try the message option, but my phone is old and not web- connected and no one I know is nearby to try it on. I did email myself a link and that's pretty simple. Just tap the address of the recipient in and they'll get a cute little message saying you'd like share a link with them.
The last thing I found fun and impressive about Bitly is that it will tell you how trendy an article or link is (for instance, Super Bowl XLVII on Feb 3, 2014 or Sochi Olympics in Feb 2014) or isn't (My staff web page).
Bitly impressed me. I could see this as something that could be useful in our profession since you can bundle and it can be a fun waste of personal time too and they can be separated. No need to scrounge around for links or bug a collegue, as long as the use Bitly. I like Bitly's simple interface and its ease of use, I recommend it.
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